Project ‘Spotlight’- AbbyPD Arresting Prolific Violent Offenders

Official News Release Download

The AbbyPD launched project ‘Spotlight,’ an 8-month initiative targeting prolific violent offenders and offenders responsible for random acts of violence within our city. Our goal was to make our streets safer by arresting violent offenders who were released on conditions and by targeting property crime offenders who were using violence during the commission of their crimes and creating continuous financial losses to businesses.

This project was a combined effort of uniformed and undercover officers who used multiple tactics, including surveillance, vehicle, foot, bike, and ATV patrols. The officers worked closely with stakeholders which included loss prevention officers and business owners. This project was funded through the Special Investigations & Targeted Enforcement (SITE) program under the provincial government’s Safer Communities Action Plan.

Project highlights:

  • 523 police files initiated
  • 224 arrests (122 were outstanding wanted persons)
  • weapon seizures (including 2 loaded sawed-off shotguns & imitation firearms, machetes, hatchets, bear spray, batons, throwing stars, knives, spiked bat & crossbow)
  • recovery of stolen property
  • drug & illegal cigarette seizures
  • 106 violation tickets issued
  • 8 impaired drivers prohibited from driving
  • vehicle impounds & 1 car seized for civil forfeiture

In the first four months of 2023, Abbotsford had a 23.3% increase in crimes against persons. Comparatively, in 2024, after project completion, the rate of increase is now down to 6.8%. We believe this is a direct result of targeted enforcement during this project.

Project Spotlight is just one of the many initiatives the AbbyPD undertakes to arrest repeat prolific offenders and bring them before the courts. We will always strive to take these offenders off our streets to decrease property crime and give our citizens the protections they deserve. Stay tuned for our next prolific offender project, ‘Operation DejaVu’.

Constable Jody Thomas
Media Relations Officer
Abbotsford Police Department