Each year, Abbotsford Police Officers undergo training and evaluation related to police intervention tactics. Training is statistically driven and constantly evolving based on changes in law, calls for service, and improved techniques or tactics as governed by professional bodies that advise or oversee law enforcement training.
Statistics show that, on average, the Abbotsford Police Department attends over 30,000+ calls for service yearly (represented in the column ‘Total Calls Dispatched’) and successfully resolves 98%+ of those calls without the use of any police intervention tactics. Police intervene only with necessary force options that are required to de-escalate the behaviour of a subject and use of force options are made through a constant assessment and consideration of citizen, officer and subject safety.
The Abbotsford Police Department is committed to openness and transparency in our operations, activities and communications with the public. As such, we want to make note that we recently discovered an error with how we were extracting the data in relation to Police Intervention Tactics. We have since rectified that error and have removed previously posted stats which were based on the incorrect data. Below you will find updated Police Intervention Tactics data for the years 2019-2020.