Intimate Partner Violence Unit


The AbbyPD Intimate Partner Violence Unit (IPVU) is a multi-agency unit which consists of two AbbyPD Detectives, two Ministry of Children and Family Development Child Protection Workers and two Archway Community Services Specialized Victim Service Workers.  The unit is based out of the AbbyPD Criminal Investigation Building and investigates the highest risk Intimate Partner Violence files. The unit works collaboratively with the BC Prosecution Service which has two dedicated Prosecutors which handle all the Intimate Partner Violence files for Abbotsford and Mission. 

The IPVU takes a "wrap around" approach to help support the victim, offenders, and their families.  The IPVU assists with victim safety, referrals to community partners for counselling, addictions, housing, and mental health.

A Survivor's Perspective on Intimate Partner Violence - Heather

A Survivor's Perspective on Intimate Partner Violence - Kathy

Ten Warning Signs of an abusive relationship,

  1. Checking your phone or email without your permission
  2. Constantly putting you down
  3. Extreme jealousy or insecurity
  4. Explosive temper
  5. Isolating you from family or friends
  6. Making false accusations
  7. Mood swings
  8. Physically hurting you in any way
  9. Possessiveness
  10. Telling you what to do

The Safety Planning Checklist focuses on the things you can do in advance to be better prepared in case you have to leave an abusive situation very quickly.

Download Safety Planning Checklist

Help is Available

If you or someone you know is a victim of Intimate Partner Violence in Abbotsford, the AbbyPD is here to help.

For Emergencies: Call 9-1-1.

For non-Emergencies: Call 604-859-5225 or Text ABBYPD at (222973)

If you have a general question for the AbbyPD IPVU you may e-mail [email protected]
*this e-mail is not monitored 24/7 and must not be used to report a crime.

Our commitment to you: We will thoroughly investigate complaints with empathy and compassion. We will provide support and resources as needed.

Outreach and Training 

The IPVU attends community events and high schools to speak about what a healthy and unhealthy relationship looks like.  AbbyPD IPVU interacts with several stake holders within the community in the hope of bringing Intimate Partner Violence out from behind closed doors.  AbbyPD IPVU also provides training to other police officers on Intimate Partner Investigations.


  • Archway Community Services 604-859-7681
  • Ministry of Children and Family Development Centralized Screening 1-800-663-9122
  • SARA for women.  Providing Family Court support, Housing support, Transition houses and counselling.
    • Abbotsford 604-855-3363
    • Mission 604-820-8455
  • Crisis Line 1-877-820-7444
  • Victim Link 1-800-563-0808 (24 hours/day, 7 days a week) This resource will be able to direct you to whatever services are available in the area you are calling from within British Columbia.
  • Victim Safety Unit (British Columbia) 1-877-315-8822 Provides information on persons in custody.
  • Court Services online