Victim Services

The Abbotsford Police Victim Services Unit (APVS) was established in the spring of 1992 as a joint venture between the City of Abbotsford, Ministry of Public Safety and the Solicitor General to support, inform, and assist victims and witnesses of crime in our community. From its inception AbbyPD VS has been a volunteer based agency.


Hours of Operation

The purpose of Victim Services is to lessen the trauma associated with being the victim of crime or trauma, and to try to prevent re-victimization. Empowerment of the individual through emotional support, information, practical assistance and appropriate referrals is the cornerstone of the program's effectiveness. As much as possible clients are encouraged to exercise choice as they proceed through the Criminal Justice System and to determine the source and degree of assistance they wish to receive.


Regular office hours: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday
(except statutory holidays)
  • 24 hours, 7 days a week crisis response at the request of the Police
  • 24 hours, 7 days a week answering machine

If you are in need of Victim Services assistance, please contact us at:

Phone: 604-864-4757  |  Fax: 604-864-4756
Address: 2838 Justice Way, Abbotsford BC, V2T 3P5
Email: [email protected]

*This email address is not monitored 24/7 and is not to be used to report a crime. If you need immediate crisis assistance, please contact the Crisis Line at
1-800-784-2433 or through their website at

If you have an emergency, please call 911.



role of cheddar - accredited facility dog

  • Helps victims manage stress and trauma symptoms, such as reducing blood pressure and lowering the heart rate of an individual.

  • Provide emotional support and comfort to individuals involved in the legal process, particularly victims of crime and trauma.

  • Be present during court proceedings to provide a calming presence for victims, especially children or vulnerable individuals.

  • Help to normalize traumatic situations.

  • Act as a calming influence and “ground” people who may be agitated or highly emotional.

  • Provide a source for a cathartic and calming touch.

Deployments of Cheddar

  • During Crown Counsel pre-trial interviews and in criminal trials to support a vulnerable testifying victim.

  • While waiting for the court to commence before victim/witness testimony.

  • Before, after and during forensic interviews conducted by police.

  • In a restorative justice victim-offender conference.

  • At other police jurisdictions following traumatic events.


Crime affects everyone. Cultural and religious background, financial and social status are not a deterrent as crime knows no bounds.

Being a victim of crime and/or trauma can be a difficult and confusing experience. Feelings of fear, anger, sadness, and an inability to move forward may result. Many people are re-victimized by a lack of knowledge of the Criminal Justice System, and the feeling they have no voice in the process. The inability of well-meaning family, friends and society to fully understand the personal losses that have been suffered can be deeply hurtful.

Our clients include both primary and secondary victims, witnesses, households, businesses and the general public when affected by crime or trauma.